
The Life of an International School Kid

As you all know by now, the kids are going to an international school in Denmark. When moving over here, we knew we had the option to put them in public school, which is taught in Danish, or to pay and enroll them in a private international school, where they would learn in English. Obviously, the kids were concerned about going to a public school if they couldn't speak the language, and Zac and I were concerned about committing to private school tuition for three kids when we already weren't exactly sure how our budgets and taxes and everything were going to shake out. In sum: we were a little unsure what to do. Eventually, we decided to enroll them in the international school. We knew the move would be hard on them already, and we didn't want to add a level of difficulty with their education. Besides, we weren't sure if we were going to stay in Denmark more than two years, and it wouldn't make sense to put them through that trial if we were just going to end up ba...

The New Year's Eve We Broke the Couch

Godt Nytår ! As you can probably tell by the title of the post, this one was excellent. * * * The day started pretty chill: coffee and scrolling and sitting around like lumps. Harrison and I watched several episodes of a Danish children's show called "John Dillermand." John Dillermand is a man who lives with his great-grandmother and her dog. He has a mustache and a skullcap and wears a red and white striped old-timey swim outfit. He has the world's longest penis (like meters and meters ridiculously long) that behaves kind of like a fifth appendage. Sometimes, he can control it, and sometimes, it has a mind of its own and gets him into trouble. Look it up. I swear, it's real. (There's also literally nothing sexual about it.) The episodes are about 5 minutes long, they are in Danish with Danish subtitles, and they are all totally ridiculous. For example, in the first episode we watched, John is in line at the circus with his great-grandmother and he finishes a ...

Merry Christmas (Glædelig Jul)!

Hey, everyone! We hope your Christmas break was fantastic, because we had a really lovely holiday season here in Denmark. Of course, we miss you all terribly, and we wish we could share all the magic of the season with you, too, but hopefully this post will inspire you to join us here one of these years! * * * To wrap up November, we celebrated Zac's birthday. He got presents and cookie pie (shout-out to Meg) and went to work and Danish class. Being an adult is fun. Haha. We also went to see Dan Pulzello's stand-up act at Lygten Station in Copenhagen. He's a comedian from the U.S. that does a lot of funny TikTok/Instagram videos of American vs. European work culture. I'm not posting a picture because it was taken in really bad overhead stage lighting, and all three of us (me, Dan, and Zac) look ghastly. Here are the escalator stairs going to the metro station from that night instead. We laughed a lot, we were selected for audience participation, and we got our first sno...