
Showing posts from October, 2023

Week 12

Hey everyone! We're closing in on three months. We go to school and work. We go grocery shopping. We play board games and listen to music. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we are much more boring these days than we were in the beginning. We haven't had any animal updates, and that's because they're pretty boring these days, too. Marabel just kind of hangs out on the couch downstairs at night and prowls around outside all day. Han, on the other hand, has caused us endless grief. His uncoordinated movements and reactive personality result in claw marks in the soft pine floor and weird claw marks on the trim of the door where he jumps up to look up the window. He won't stop digging on our furniture regardless of how many times we kick him off and yell at him. We've started kenneling him during the day. He's still dopey and sweet though, so it's hard to be so mad at him. Good boy. Bad boy. Note the claw marks in our new sofa. Friday I worked from h...

Week 11

The weather is getting colder here and we're becoming a little less active - fewer bike rides, fewer walks, less time in the garden, etc. We also have fewer and fewer "Moving to Denmark" to-do items to deal with these days! With the cooler temperatures and fewer logistics to take care of, we've put a little more effort into making our temporary house more homey! Pretty soon, I think we'll be able to actually invite some people over and try to pay back all the friends and neighbors who have helped or hosted us thus far. Friday There were treats for sale at work again! I was going to resist them, but Zac caught me after lunch and told me his coworkers said we should definitely buy some of the coconut ones. Zac came back to my office with me and we sat at the little table eating dessert together.  It was like a Girl Scout Samoa but richer and without the caramel. Yum! Back at home, it was movie night! Harrison has been asking us to have a family movie night for weeks...

Week 10

Friday I got to eat a most delicious pastry at morgenbrød again. The last time I had this one, I described it to Zac and said I thought it was a Danish kringle .  He want to the bakery to find one and said he didn't see anything with that name. He bought something labeled wienerbrød  and it was good but not quite the same. So tasty and yet so controversial. So Friday, when I saw it sitting there, I asked my colleagues for clarification. Chaos ensued. Me: "This is a kringle , right? Not a wienerbrød ?" Coworker 1: "Yes, k ringle." Coworker 2: "I thought it was a wienerbrød ? Kringle  is a circle." Coworker 1: "Maybe it's just part of a kringle , so we can't see the whole circle to know it's a kringle ." [Googling and a lot of Danish chatter.] Coworker 1: "A kringle  is a circle or a... kringle ...shape [shows me a picture of a pretzel]. So this is a wienerstang ." Me: " WienerSTANG ? Not wienerBRØD ?" Coworker ...