
Do you sometimes find yourself laughing at fart jokes or saying , "Heh-heh...nice," when you see bananas for 69 cents a pound even though you're a whole grown-up person ? If so, you may afflicted with a condition known as "selective immaturity," and you're not alone. In fact, Zac and I both struggle with selective immaturity in our own lives, and the condition has been significantly exacerbated by moving to Denmark. You see, Denmark is full of triggers for people like us. We find ourselves stifling the laughter constantly in this country. Whether we're at work, playing tourist, perusing the bookstore, going for a drive, sitting in Danish class, or just taking a lovely walk, the immaturity keeps coming out in full force. I'll share some examples here. 1. Big DONG energy The energy boxes in my neighborhood and surrounding area were placed by DONG Energy. In all caps. Big DONG Energy. Guys. C'mon. What are you doing to us? 2. Fart . Fart ever...